Accessories for sample storage tubes
AltemisLab is all about looking for better ways to work. Our range of lab tools have been designed to make everyday lab tasks easier.
AlteTube™ Selector
Manually cherry pick a tube from the rack with the handheld AlteTube Selector. Compatible with 0.3ml to 5ml tubes from most manufactures.
AlteTube™ pick up device
Use with internal or external 1.2ml, 2ml & 5ml AlteTubes. Easily pick or decap tubes in the AlteTube workstation rack.
AlteTube™ Septum decappers
Handheld septum decappers can be used for single or multiple septum cap removal from tubes.
AlteTube™ workstation rack
Holds up to 50 large format 2D barcoded AlteTubes. The Anti-rotate base grips tubes securely for one-handed capping and decapping.
AlteTube™ aluminium blocks
These solid anodised Aluminium cooling and heating blocks ensure a consistent sample temperature is maintained. Compatible with large format AlteTubes.
AlteTube™ ice pans and ice buckets
Made from Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA). Highly durable, chemically resistant and inert to dry ice. Ideal for use with the AlteTube aluminium blocks.