2D barcoded large racks
Compatible with 2D barcode rack readers
Racks for 2D barcoded AlteTubes. Designed for short or long term storage down to cryogenic temperatures.
Temperature range: -196°C to 121°C
Available for 1.2ml, 1.8ml, 2ml and 5ml tubes

Large rack format – 9x9
Store 81 tubes in a 9x9 format. Compatible with 1.2ml, 2ml, 5ml, internal thread screw cap 2D barcoded tubes and 1.2ml, 1.8ml, 2ml, 5ml external thread screw cap 2D barcoded tubes.

Large rack format – 10x10
Store 100 tubes in a 10x10 format. Compatible with 1.2ml, 2ml, internal thread screw cap 2D barcoded tubes and 1.8ml external thread screw cap 2D barcoded tubes.

Sample tracking
Capture and decode 81 or 100 tube 2D barcodes simultaneously on a large format rack barcode reader.

Rack identification
Embedded 2D barcode on the rack base with matching 1D barcode and human readable code on the rack wall.

Anti-rotate rack
Tubes grip in place allowing easy capping or decapping by hand.

Number grid
A printed number grid on the transparent lid allows for easy visual checking of tube positioning.